Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog #3: Brainwashed

1)      Acknowledging the lizard is a concept based off the lizard part of the brain that doesn’t like to be laughed at. In fact, the brain tends to combat this humility with anger and shutdown because of the voice of conformity known as “the resistance.” The resistance is fearful and therefore is willing to rollover at the slightest hint of adversity. This voice of skepticism can only be overcome by acknowledging the lizard brain and “the resistance” and choosing to stand up and do the work, creating, that we want to do. 
2)      Being generous in its simplicity is pure collaboration. This concept goes beyond the selfish economic mentality of exchange and changes it into a communal concept of mutual support or a circle of gifts just to take care of one another.  Learning combines the other six principles and states that through our experiences we are always growing and improving and never limited to a set skill. Learning tell us to seek knowledge, experiment, and rise above our failures to reinvent ourselves and truly become creative.  
3)      Read an article and summarize it and post it on your blog. This seems to be the basis of our exercises in media 203. We combine these mediocre assignments with noteworthy experimental industry work to form a curriculum for media and the creative process. These exercises are neither stimulating nor creative which is sort of the point of a blog which is to showcase your own ideas in a personal and creative way. This is not what the class is doing with theses blog assignments. Instead it has become another form of conformity and a convenient waste of student’s time. Based on this article and the previous blog exercise in the media class the blog assignments are worthless because they are uncreative and impersonal and ask students to conform rather than expand their individual horizons.   
The blog assignments are very uncreative and lackluster. The most creative assignment to date has had to be the deconstruction assignment which still asked for criteria that limited student’s creativity by making them describe their characters by color, light, and shape which is important but warrants no real acknowledgment.  Blog assignment two and this assignment both incorporate a summary and an essay. This infringes on students’ abilities yet again because there is no creation involved just simple explanation for a reading that contains subject matter significant to the class. It’s no doubt necessary by should not be posted in a blog because who would want to read it besides professors why not just turn in the assignment in a word document that I’m typing in right now and call it a blog because I don’t plan on showing this to anyone else by my professor. Not to mention the works being sited are original and have little or no relevance to that’s student’s personality or individualism. Media and the creative process should be about exploration of creativity and personality and allow the individual to build a set of skills crucial to being successful in the media industry not writing essays in blogs. This is pure conformity in itself and adding insult to injury with word limits pushing student’s unnecessarily. These blog assignments are in essence taking the name of every student and making it seem like we like to write about literature we otherwise wouldn’t have known about and not only summarize it for our viewers but fake an opinion about it to seem intelligent- it pathetic.  Some suggestions would be to suggest creative activities to students from the subject matter mentioned in that week’s class and allow them to explore it in whatever fashion they want.  Posting anything at all creative and unique should warrant full points and sharing with other students should be encouraged to provide a supportive community environment.

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