Sunday, January 15, 2012


1)      Color- The colors of my hero is a blue with grey and black undertones for saturation. The blue represents neutrality and goodness because it is diverse in its representation by taking opposing forms such as in gender clothing, politics, and sports teams and it’s not as conceited like the brighter colors of reds and yellows and aren’t as ambiguous and deceiving as greens and purples. Blue also represents life such as in different depictions of water and the freedom of the blue skies. The grey represents wisdom and maturity, while the black represents tragedy. The difference in saturation of the blue versus the grey and black brings out the blue as being the core of the hero.
2)      Light- The lighting around my character is very luminescent like that of a bright and overpowering laser. The bright blue light illuminates everything around it shrouding every in light leaving nothing behind. The light represents revelation and future because it takes the aspect of light and contorts everything around it to the shape that is in essence better than the original and the laser like aspect show that my character is innovative and new. The overpowering aspect of the light means strength and persistence never faltering under any adversity. But this unfamiliar brand of light can also mean alienation and misunderstanding.
3)      Shape- My characters shape is very rectangular represents a strong point of view and a stance again whatever oppresses it. The rectangle could mean mature because the length shows growth to where people will look up and honor him. His shape is also robotic in a sense that he is manmade and completely logical. Feeling never overwhelming his since of purpose, but he can fail to see the underlying sub textual evidence in a given situation. His robotic shape can also cause isolation because it’s unique and unfamiliar to the people around it, but can also mean strength because of its stature and engineering.  
4)      Name- Gravitus   

1)      Color- The colors of my villain are orange like that of fire and destruction and black like darkness and evil. The orange compliments the blue of my protagonist while the black undertones are similar amongst both of them. The orange also means power and conceit because of some of the objects that it represents like the sun, stars, and lava that not only have power but are very dominant in their representation compared to other colors. The black also represents death and despair in that it is shown heavily on my character because he has experienced these occurrences on a large scale mostly due to himself.  
2)      Light- The light around my character is very distorted and consumed. The light in the picture is portrayed as being suck up by a black whole creating a mix of darkness and light where the light is eventually swallowed whole by the black core. This paints a rather accurate picture of my villain whose despair has cast him into a never ending vortex consuming all the goodness within him and leaving are dark and eerie core of hate. Since the light within him becomes consumed by darkness and evil he attempts to try and do the same with the mass of people around the universe. 
3)      Shape- The shape of my character is very twisted and contorted like his personality and power. His twisted shape represents his morality which is unpredictable, for instance, if threatened or disappointed he would easily dispose of his own men because he will not tolerate any disorder within his ranks. The twisted shape is also irregular and disliked to the majority of beings yet strangely appealing to the other foul creatures of the universe. Like his shape he attempts to try to bend and contort the universe to his will and make it a utopia for himself and his men at the expense of everyone else.   
4)      Name- Super Nova

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