Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog#4: Sound Design

1)      Listening Modes- In the teaser from Ratatouille the sounds of the restaurant were very casual and natural sounding. You can hear the accordion being place is sort of a mellow style to match the sophisticated ambiance of the restaurant.  The screaming in the restaurant when Ratatouille is discovered is very authentic. We also hear the real sounds of dishes and utensils being thrown at Ratatouille as he desperately tries to escape the deadly chefs. The sounds become more representational as Ratatouille speaks like a human and exhibits an anthropomorphic sound. These remains consistent throughout the script as we realize that Ratatouille's father and brother bother speak like humans.   
2)      Space- The representation of Space is used as Ratatouille scurries around on the floor and through the restaurant. The make good use of distance because as Ratatouille gets closer to the screen you here more of his footsteps versus far away. The clamor of the kitchen supplies also adds to the space because the objects that hit closer to ratatouille and are seen make a more distinct and individual sound while many of the sound sort of mess together in the background because they are not seen and aren’t close to our protagonist. There is also a good depiction of space in the sewer when Ratatouille talks to his father and his off scene down a tunnel. The use of echo to sound like he’s in a tunnel is very evident and creates a much larger space than Ratatouille occupies.  This show’s directionality because it pinpoint where he’s at off screen.

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